Mời các em đọc thứ và thông báo tuyển giáo sinh thực tập của Thầy David – phụ trách chương trình Tiếng Anh tiểu học của Trường Vinschool Primary


BCN đã nhận được thư mời hợp tác từ ông David – Phụ trách chương trình Tiếng Anh tiểu học của Trường Tiểu Học Vinschool. Trong mail, ông David có đề cập đến cơ hội thực tập và tuyển dụng đối với sinh viên ngành Sư Phạm Tiếng Anh của Khoa ta. Trường Vinschool là trường mới thành lập, nhưng sự phát triển của trường cả về mặt quy mô và chất lượng là rất ấn tượng đối với ngành giáo dục nói riêng và cả nước nói chung; đây thực sự là những cơ hội thực tập và trải nghiệm rất tốt cho sinh viên Sư phạm Tiếng Anh, đặc biệt đối với những em yêu thích giảng dạy Tiếng Anh cho trẻ em. Mời Thầy/Cô và các em sinh viên đọc thư của ông David để biết thêm thông tin về cơ hội này.

Dear Ms. Phung Kim Dung,

I am the Head of the Primary English Department here at Vinschool Primary in Times City. I am referred to you by a former intern of mine, Ms. Nguyen Ngoc Thu Trang. I worked with her from January – May 2016, where I supervised her teaching apprenticeship by observing her demo lessons, oversaw her lesson planning, and coordinated her assistance of full time teachers. Because of the positive experience I had with Trang and the five other interns that worked alongside her, I am wanting to replicate that positive experience I had and implement the same program here at Vinschool Primary.
As you may well know, Vinschool Primary serves a large part of the Hanoi community, and within the coming years, will only grow to be an even bigger part of the Vietnamese educational landscape. Our teachers here have the unique opportunity to not only reach out and touch the lives of a large segment of our population, but also, to advance their career alongside the growing influence of the Vinschool educational system. A teaching position here at Vinschool is one that is ripe with opportunity both inside and outside the classroom, which is exactly the reason I have chosen to join the faculty earlier this month.
I am writing to you because I seek your assistance in helping increase the overall quality of teaching, and prestige, of Vinschool by referring to me your best and brightest for a potential internship position at our campus.
Interns here will receive on the job experience that simply cannot be replicated in their college classroom. An intern at Vinschool Primary will:
1) serve as a teaching assistant for the lower Primary Grades.
2) directly partner with our International staff in order to create the best possible English learning environment for our students
3) receive direct guidance from professional teachers and managers regarding their performance
4) potentially be hired as a full time instructor for the next academic school year
5) create lifelong bonds with young students in your community,
among a myriad of other intangible experiences that are associated within the education field.
A position at Vinschool offers both unparalleled opportunity within and outside of the classroom. We hope to build a mutually beneficial relationship with our interns that will likely result in a future working relationship should they successfully complete the program.
I seek a referral from you, Ms. Phung Kim Dung, in order to direct recent graduates or continuing students to our internship program here at Vinschool Primary. Our school is growing at a rapid rate, and we want to match that growth by hiring the best teachers in Vietnam. I hope that you can serve as a link for us.
Please let me know if you have any questions and how we can proceed from this point forward.
Thank you so much for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
p.s. Please excuse my lack of an official Vinschool email extension for this letter. My account was down for maintenance purposes at the time of this writing.
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