Dear English Teachers,
You are kindly invited to apply for the Lower Mekong Initiative Women’s Leadership Forum: Inform, Engage, and Empower to be held in Hanoi, Vietnam in December 2016.
Sponsored by the U.S. Department of State (Bộ Ngoại giao Hoa Kỳ), the LMI Women Leadership Forum is a three-day professional development event for Professional Communications for Leaders (PCSL) project alumni and regional leaders. The forum will include keynote speakers, panel discussions, breakout sessions, and networking activities with the overall goal of increasing leadership opportunities for women and girls in the Lower Mekong region. It will allow participants to access resources, strengthen their network of professional contacts, and develop initiatives to impact gender equality in their institutions and communities.
At the Women’s Leadership Forum, scheduled for December 12-14, 2016, participants will be able to explore best practices, share insights, and compare experiences. The Forum will also allow for the development of cross-border connections and the use of English for collaboration among participants from differing countries.
The Women’s Leadership Forum will invite regional leaders from a number of sectors including education, entrepreneurship, STEM, and health & human services. Eight women or men each from the five LMI countries (Burma, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam) will be invited to attend. There will be a competitive application and interview process. Those applicants showing the most potential for continued advocacy will be selected.
Please find attached further details of this program.
Duong Le (Mr.)
RELO Specialist
Regional English Language Office
(Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos)
U.S. Embassy Hanoi, Vietnam
7 Lang Ha Street, Ba Dinh District
Hanoi, Vietnam
Tel: 84-4-38505000, ext. 6115
Cell: +84-90-401-6939
[embeddoc url=”http://felte.ulis.vnu.edu.vn/files/uploads/LMIWomensLeadershipForum.ApplicantInformationSheet.pdf” download=”all”]
[embeddoc url=”http://felte.ulis.vnu.edu.vn/files/uploads/ExecutiveSummary.LMIWomensLeadershipForum.pdf” download=”all”]