Đăng ký TNV cho World Scholar’s Cup

We are looking for volunteers for the Global Round of The World Scholar’s Cup 2017 in Hanoi from June 26th to July 1st.

The World Scholar’s Cup events engage students from 10 to 17 years old in team debate, collaborative writing, and other academic challenges across both science and the humanities.

Now in its 10th year, the World Scholar’s Cup (www.scholarscup.org) is a nonprofit enrichment platform for students of all backgrounds and prior levels of achievement, founded by Harvard and Stanford graduate Daniel Berdichevsky. Participants at local events can qualify for global events (bringing together thousands of students from around the world) and ultimately for the annual final event, the Tournament of Champions, hosted each November at Yale University.

An excellent quick introduction to the World Scholar’s Cup is this three-minute overview:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f8KUlAZyVGU.
1. 16-18 Students (3-4years, major in English)
2. Time: from 8:30am – 6:00pm on May 13th, 2017( Sat)
3. Location: Vinschool Times City
4. Job description: Judges at tournament of World Scholar’s Cup ( 6-8) and debate adjudicators( 10)
5. Payment: 1.000.000VND/day

Our ULIS SCC ( student support center) will collect your registration and final result will be sent to you before 4:00pm tomorrow.

Register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSctW9z9tefUy8fWuag15sawuz6LMG7Gb4aiwpwNJk9mJQonFQ/viewform?c=0&w=1