The Regional English Language Office, U.S. Embassy Hanoi is pleased to
announce the offering of American English E-Teacher Program to teachers and
educators who are interested in participating in an online professional
development course for five 9-week, online university-level courses in
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) in Fall Term 2017.
Apply online at . Application
deadline: July 14, 2017.

What courses are available?

• Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom
• Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in
an EFL Setting
• Teaching Grammar Communicatively
• Professional Development for Teacher Trainers
• Teaching English to Young Learners

When do the courses take place?

All the courses start from September 26 through November 21, 2017,
including one week orientation.

Course Description

Course 1: Using Educational Technology in the English Language Classroom

This course is designed to help English language teaching professionals
around the world acquire and maintain basic knowledge and skills in
technology for professional purposes through hands-on learning. It will
help teachers integrate pedagogical knowledge and skills with technology to
enhance their language teaching and learning through their reading,
discussion, and creation of new learning activities. The course will help
participants apply technology in record keeping, feedback, and assessment,
and use technology to improve communication, collaboration, and efficiency
by participating in online discussion and presentation.
Educational Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Understand computer-assisted language learning (CALL) and how technology
affects language teaching in the 21st century;
• Use strategies to develop vocabulary growth through social media;
• Identify appropriate grammar activities that include opportunities for
learners to discover, analyze, and produce grammatical structures as part
of tasks that encourage learner interaction;
• Use methods for selecting and adapting appropriate reading texts for
accomplishing particular language learning goals;
• Understand how to teach writing through CALL by selecting appropriate
model texts, showcasing technology supported help options, considering the
audience for writing activities, and developing writing strategies;
• Understand how to select and adapt existing listening resources on the
Internet to address language learning objectives;
• Select CALL materials that teach speaking skills and focus on the sounds
and accents that are relevant for their learners;
• Develop teaching units that incorporate one or more of the technologies
learned throughout the course.

Course 2: Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of
Culture in an EFL Setting

Exploration of culture in an EFL setting requires helping students engage
in authentic situations to develop the ability to navigate across a variety
of cultures. This intercultural ability requires language choices and
awareness of oneself as a cultural being. It also requires critical
thinking skills, which are themselves culturally defined. Using
experiential learning as the organizational model, this course will engage
participants in analyzing personal experiences, media, EFL textbooks, and
classrooms to develop the capacity to think critically about the cultural
assumptions and viewpoints embedded in their teaching content and process.
After examining themselves as cultural beings and assessing learners’ needs
and goals, participants will develop a concrete teaching lesson that
reflects their view of teaching critical thinking and intercultural
competence in their particular context.

Educational Objectives:

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Define the dimensions of culture and critical thinking as they pertain to
teaching in their context;
• Develop an increased understanding of critical thinking, experiential
learning, and intercultural learning skills and the connections between
• Further develop their ability to learn and teach intercultural competence
and critical thinking by applying observation, inquiry, multiple
perspective analysis, and self-reflection to their exploration of cultural
• Further develop their ability to learn and teach intercultural skills of
active listening and empathy;
• Critically analyze EFL textbooks’ treatment of culture;
• Develop their own assumptions about the teaching of culture in their
• Create lesson plans which integrate cultural learning and critical
• Reflect on, and critically analyze, their lessons.

Course 3: Teaching Grammar Communicatively

In this practice-oriented course, participants will explore how to adapt
grammar instruction to meet their students’ needs. They will also focus on
integrating grammar instruction with teaching language skills, varying
grammar instruction to meet the needs of large, mixed ability classes, and
using available technology effectively to enhance grammar learning inside
and outside the classroom. Participants will discuss different challenges
their learners may have with learning grammar, and discover how they can
help learners use grammar to improve fluency and accuracy.
Educational Objectives
By the end of the course, participants will be able to:
• Understand key issues concerning grammar acquisition;
• Incorporate effective approaches and techniques of presenting and
practicing grammar into regular teaching;
• Plan communicative grammar lessons for large, mixed ability classes;
• Monitor, evaluate and improve grammar lessons;
• Give effective feedback to students;
• Use available technology to enhance grammar learning.

Course 4: Professional Development for Teacher Trainers

This course is designed for both novice and experienced teacher trainers.
Participants will develop and polish their skills and knowledge base of
evidence-based methods for delivering comprehensive, engaging, and relevant
teacher trainings. Learners will be introduced to methods for crafting,
presenting, and evaluating effective teacher training workshops so they can
apply concepts and theories to the production of impactful teacher training
in their local contexts.

Educational Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Identify what makes a teacher training workshop successful and
influential to improving student outcomes;
• Demonstrate an understanding of persuasive methods to pitch a teacher
training idea to administration and colleagues;
• Apply evaluative concepts in a reflective manner to assess and grow
professionally; and
• Create a sustainable community of practice among colleagues for continued
professional growth.

Course 5: Teaching English to Young Learners

This course is designed to introduce participants to the theory and
practice of teaching young learners (7-12 years old) and very young
learners (under 7) in the EFL classroom. Participants will investigate
approaches for teaching language within a meaningful context as well as
different techniques for making language input comprehensible and
encouraging student participation. They will also look at the major
principles that govern language teaching based on all four
skills—listening, speaking, reading and writing. Through individual
learner-centered activities, virtual collaborations and discussions, and
group activities with learning teams, participants in this course will
explore various aspects, from theory to practice, of teaching EFL to

Educational Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

• Explain and demonstrate the various EFL approaches, principles, methods
and techniques appropriate for young and very young learners;
• Select and/or adapt texts, audio and visual material, and other media
appropriate for use in the EFL classroom for young and very young learners;
• Understand and demonstrate appropriate activities for teaching listening,
speaking, reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation for young
EFL learners;
• Conduct a needs analysis, develop a learner profile, and then develop a
lesson plan which would be appropriate for young and very young learners in
a specific context; and
• Develop themselves professionally in the field of TEYL by participating
in a virtual community of practice and preparing materials to share in
their local community of professionals.

Who can apply?

English language teaching (ELT) professionals who meet the criteria listed
below are invited to apply:
• Be a citizen of Vietnam;
• Be an English language teaching professional;
• Be dedicated and promise to complete the fully funded course valued at
$1,500 per participant;
• Have strong English language reading and writing skills (minimum 550
TOEFL, or equivalent);
• Be living in Vietnam for the entire duration of this course
• Have regular and reliable access to high-speed internet connection; and
• Be able to spend 1-2 hours online per day for the duration of the 9-week

How to apply?

Fill out the online application form.
Application deadline: 08:00 AMJuly 14, 2017AE E-TEACHER PROGRAM FALL TERM 2017